Is It Painful to Get Dental Implants? 

Do you know one of the most common reasons people are reluctant about getting dental implants in Hendersonville? 

They are afraid of the pain. 

But, is getting dental implants even that painful? 

Here's what you need to know. 

What to Expect During Dental Implant Surgery? 

Knowledge can often help ease anxiety, so here's a short breakdown of what happens when you get a dental implant. 

After the initial consultation, tests, and preparation, you are ready for the placement of the dental implant.

Dr. Corey Truman will cut open your gum to expose the bone. Then, he drills holes into the bone where the dental implant metal post will be placed. Since the post will serve as the tooth root, it's implanted deep into the bone. 

After the implant surgery follows a waiting period of about six months. During this time, the metal post inserted into the jawbone will fuse with the surrounding tissue and form a stable foundation for the implant. 

Once your bone has healed, Dr. Corey Truman will attach a small connector post called an abutment to the dental implant post. 

Once the gums have healed around the abutment, your Hendersonville dentist will attach the dental crown and your implant will be completed. 

Is Dental Implant Surgery Painful? 

Cutting the gum open and drilling through the jawbone may sound painful. And, the truth is that dental implants can involve some discomfort, but you need to remember that all this will be done under local anesthesia. 

Before the procedure, Dr. Corey Truman will administer a local anesthetic to numb the area where the dental implant will be placed, which helps to make the process painless.

However, after the local anesthetic wears off, you may experience some discomfort, such as: 

  • Swelling of your gums and face.
  • Bruising of your skin and gums.
  • Pain at the implant site.
  • Minor bleeding.

These symptoms can be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers, ice packs, and lots of rest. 

Post-Implant Surgery Care Tips 

Here's how to make healing after implant surgery smoother: 

  • Use OTC medication if the pain is too uncomfortable 
  • Apply an ice pack to the affected area to reduce swelling.
  • Keep your mouth clean to prevent infection. You can start to gently brush your teeth the day after surgery, but make sure to avoid the surgical site in the few first days 
  • Stick to soft foods and liquids for the first few days after surgery. Avoid hot foods and drinks, and do not use a straw, as the sucking action could dislodge the blood clot that aids in healing.
  • Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol, as both can hinder the healing process.
  • Rest is essential after surgery. Avoid strenuous physical activity for a few days.
  • Don't skip any of your follow-up appointments even if you are feeling fine. This way, Dr. Corey Truman can monitor your progress and address any potential issues early.

Am I a Good Candidate for Dental Implants? 

Come to Drakes Creek Dental so that Dr. Corey Truman can determine if dental implants in Hendersonville are right for you. 

Get in touch with us online to book your appointment. 

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